Narrated (while he is staring in front of the mirror) -This is Bob, Bob is always very happy go lucky & friendly. He never thought that being overweight can lead to so many negative situation in life. Bob starts to continue his routine as usual. He sleeps till noon & all he does he get on the computer and browse on random things online. When he feels hungry, he then go out to get 3 burgers from the stall and finish it right away. 

Scene: 1
Characters: Bob
Location: His room / outside 
Props: Bed, Dressing Table

Bob is walking around campus heading to the library & his friends were walking towards him while checking a girl out and turned out it was Bob's crush since he first started college. Bob felt happy at the same time he feels that it is impossible to ever get someone like the girl. Then suddenly his friend told him that there's no way he is ever going to get a girl like that to be with him. Bob was hurt when his own friends said something like that. He went home straight later on and take a long deep breath while staring at himself infront of the mirror. He realized something about himself knowing he should change.

Scene: 2
Characters: Bob & his friends
Location: Campus 

The next day, all his friends planned to go for a jog at the park. All his friends are fit & healthy except for him. As they were jogging at the park, Bob was left behind because he couldn’t catch up with them. Bob had no stamina to keep up with the rest of them. He felt left out as all his friends were more active than him. His friends all made fun of how was being slow and couldn’t catch up. Again he remained silent with a huge sigh.

Scene: 3

Characters: Bob & his friends

Location: park 

Bob and his friends were hanging out at the mamak for supper after a long day. They were exchanging stories about their day went. Bob was the hot topic & he became a joke to all his friends. They made fun about how Bob is slow and made fun how he has female parts such as (man-boobs). Bob didn’t felt right. He felt uneasy, hurt and upset. He couldn’t say much because he knew that he is obese himself. All of the sudden, his crush were also at the mamak stall. All his friends noticed that & they joked about Bob and his crush.

Scene: 4

Characters: Bob, his friends

Location: mamak stall

At this point bob wasn’t only nervous but embarrassed and shy too. He had the shame from his friends and also being nervous around his crush, however Bob decided to be brave and get up and go talk to her and see if he can get her attention. Little did bob know what mother nature had in store for him, as he stood up to walk towards her he tripped on his shoe laces which were tangled on his chair and because of lack of balance he fell on his face right in front of his crushed feet face down.

Scene: 5

Characters: Bob, his friends & his crush

Location: Mamak stall

His face filled with dust and mud he raises his face and looks into his crushes eyes, and the unexpected happened. She stretched out her hand to help him up, as he pulled out his hand to get help her friends yell out loud ‘ are you sure you can help that potato packet up?’ while they were laughing out so loud Bob helped himself up slowly face down while dusting himself and walked towards his friends. Little did he know his friends were already talking about him laughing and making fun of him and his appearance. Bob was devastated and felt as though the ground could split into two and swallow him up! He picked up his stuff and walked away slowly to his car and drove home…

Scene: 6

Characters: bob, his crush & his friends

Location :mamak stall

Bob got home with tears in his eyes… he just dashed inside the house and went straight up to his room! He threw his bag down and just went into his toilet, splashed water on his face and just looked right direct in the mirror. ‘I have to stop it! I have to do something about it! This is IT! I will do something about it!’ said Bob. He then went to his bedroom mirror look at himself and just smiled and said… ‘The time is now… CHANGE IS COMING!’




From that night, bobs life changed! He got rid of all the junk food he had, registered at the gym and was active on his daily day life. He took a three hundred and sixty degree change, he was not only happy with his new life style but he was also comfortable and confident with his body. Slow but steady was his motto to achieve what he wanted to achieve. After six months of constant work out and healthy lifestyle, Bob was as healthy as ever. He was a new person with a stronger personality and a much confident drive. After six months he went back to the mirror and looked at himself and he was in disbelief at what he saw. In the long run he had a crush on another girl who was his close friend ever since he was obese… so bobs life changed his mentality changed and he was healthy and happy.




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